- 2024 Shanghai International Blockchain Week Side Event

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Bethink Hackathon 于 2024 年 9 月 3 日启动报名。 报名链接:https://tally.so/r/mOY11K


**日期:**2024 年 10 月 13 日 - 2024 年 10 月 15 日

**地址:**上海市虹口区塘沽路 463 号华虹大厦 19 楼


常见 Q&A


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上海区块链国际周其他周边活动推荐 https://www.blockchainlabs.org/week2024/

MEV Shanghai https://github.com/0xpantarhei/MEV-Shanghai

ETHShanghai https://ethshanghai.org/


Three Tracks to Explore Technology for Good

Rebuild Trust

We encourage developers to think about how to rebuild social trust systems through technological means. Ideas include but not limited to privacy protection, credit/reputation systems, etc.

Defend the System

Tools or applications to defend our system, systems that promote open source and public goods, and fair distribution mechanisms.

Human Verification

How do you define human and non-human? It seems to be a matter of society, ethics, laws, and technology. We encourage developers to explore the border of new technologies through solutions combining art with technology.


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