<aside> 📢 最新公告
Bethink Hackathon 于 2024 年 9 月 3 日启动报名。 报名链接:https://tally.so/r/mOY11K
**日期:**2024 年 10 月 13 日 - 2024 年 10 月 15 日
**地址:**上海市虹口区塘沽路 463 号华虹大厦 19 楼
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上海区块链国际周其他周边活动推荐 https://www.blockchainlabs.org/week2024/
MEV Shanghai https://github.com/0xpantarhei/MEV-Shanghai
ETHShanghai https://ethshanghai.org/
We encourage developers to think about how to rebuild social trust systems through technological means. Ideas include but not limited to privacy protection, credit/reputation systems, etc.
Tools or applications to defend our system, systems that promote open source and public goods, and fair distribution mechanisms.
How do you define human and non-human? It seems to be a matter of society, ethics, laws, and technology. We encourage developers to explore the border of new technologies through solutions combining art with technology.